Hard drives are dead, right? The proliferation of cheap solid-state storage certainly has made the ol' spinning rust largely obsolete for desktop builds and typical consumers, but when you need to store a ton of data in as small a space as possible, you're still not going to beat a hard drive. It looked like that...Read more...
Seagate has just released its Q2 2023 financials, and it shared a selection of slides about its storage technology plans among the materials published for investors. In particular, we were interested to note that the iconic storage firm is still busy developing its hard disk drive (HDD) technologies and a new roadmap...Read more...
Consumers have never had more choices if they need to purchase storage, whether it's hard drives, flash drives, solid-state drives, or even cloud or network-attached storage. Save for a couple of blips, prices have steadily creeped downward and today you can score a 10TB hard drive for only $300, or a measly $0.03 per...Read more...
Back in late 2017, Seagate gave us a taste of what's to come with its multi-actuator technology for modern hard drives. Whereas today's hard drives use a single actuator to sweep across the spinning platters, Seagate actually uses two actuators that move independently around a single pivot point, potentially doubling...Read more...
Do you associate with nerds, and more importantly, are you secure in your ability to convey the true meaning of the word? We ask only because you should certainly get prepared -- it's tough to talk about heat assisted magnetic recording (HAMR) technology without feeling a little nerdy. That said, the tech is pretty...Read more...