Items tagged with google plus
After having its Google+ profile removed for community standards violations, hacker collective Anonymous has decided to try the social networking thing for itself. The site, currently running under the temporary name of AnonPlus, is only a splash page at this point, with a message explaining the intent and goals of the site. Primarily, Anonymous...
The sexiest social network on the block right now has got to be Google+, and you probably spent the last several days either trying to secure an invite, or tossing friends and family into Circles. Facebook is still the most popular social hangout, and MySpace recently made headlines for changing hands for a much lower...
Google+ (or Google Plus, if you're saying it aloud) has taken the social networking world by storm. It's certainly not the next Facebook (it's actually quite different), but there's no doubt that people are anxious to join in and see what the hubbub is all about. One that that social networking has really revolutionized is the way we advertise...