Hush little baby, don't say a word. And never mind that noise you heard. Unless, of course, it's an array of screaming floppy disk drives cranking out the Metallica classic Enter Sandman.
Everyone is going to have soundtracks that bring forth a deluge of memories from the past. Some might consider the Star Wars...Read more...
We hate to admit it, but where old tech is concerned - tech we grew up with - not everyone feels nostalgic about it with completely fond memories. It could be because the newer tech is just so much better, or more common sense. Take the old IDE cable interface, for example. Plugging that thing in was a true chore. So...Read more...
Not long ago, the very last VHS tape was produced. It was the end of an era, for sure. Today, another era is ending, and it's one that we can't believe took this long to finally die. The floppy disc (the 3.5" one, not the ancient 5.25" one) has finally seen its natural end, years and years after they were initially...Read more...
What's new is old again, it seems. Security researchers are warning consumers to be cautious about using items like freebie flash drives that are given out as souvenirs at trade shows and similar events. There are recent reports of malware being loaded onto removable storage devices like USB flash drives, and even digital picture frames.In...Read more...
You know a technology is on its last breath when large retail chains stop supporting it. It was the case when major retailers stopped selling VHS tapes, and now it seems the floppy disk is going the same way. PC World as announced it will no longer support the format once it stock runs out, and you can expect many other retail...Read more...
Hurricane Katrina, the biggest of the storms to hit the U.S. this year, has arrived at New Orleans as of this morning. Most have left the city, but thousands remain, many of them piled into the Superdome which has already suffered damage. Before we bring you the news, we'd like to wish the best of luck to all of those in the city of New Orleans,...Read more...