Earlier this year we detailed the launch of new 15-core Ivy Bridge-based server processors from Intel, as part of the Xeon E7 refresh cycle. Today, Intel is pushing the Xeon E5 family forward -- except in this case, the new Xeon E5 v3 chips are leaping to higher core counts, the more advanced Haswell-EP architecture, and DDR4. The result?...Read more...
Earlier this year we detailed the launch of new 15-core Ivy Bridge-based server processors from Intel, as part of the Xeon E7 refresh cycle. Today, Intel is pushing the Xeon E5 family forward -- except in this case, the new Xeon E5 v3 chips are leaping to higher core counts, the more advanced Haswell-EP architecture, and DDR4. The result?...Read more...
At the International Supercomputing Conference today, Intel announced that Knights corner, the company's first commercial Many Integrated Core (MIC) product will ship commercially in 2012. The Descendent of the Processor Formerly Known as Larrabee also gets a new brand name -- Xeon Phi. The idea behind Intel's new push is that the highly efficient...Read more...
At the International Supercomputing Conference today, Intel announced that Knights corner, the company's first commercial Many Integrated Core (MIC) product will ship commercially in 2012. The Descendent of the processor formerly known as Larrabee also gets a new brand name -- Xeon Phi. The idea behind Intel's new push is that the highly...Read more...
AMD's Financial Analyst Day last week made it clear that while the company is primarily focused on consumer products and SoC design, it still wants to be a player in the server market. The various presentations were a bit unclear as to how AMD thought it would make that happen -- there was plenty of mention of "the...Read more...
AMD made an announcement a few weeks ago that made many in the industry scratch their heads: AMD (not Intel) will release SSE5. This was quite confusing since AMD is known for their own set of instructions, 3D Now!, which the company has quietly dropped development of in favor or following Intel's lead with SSE instruction sets.One of the...Read more...
AMD to Boost Performance for Everyday Compute-Intense Multimedia, Security and High Performance Computing Applications through New Extensions to x86 Instruction Set New instruction set “SSE5” continues tradition of AMD x86 innovation, including 3DNow!, AMD x86-64 architecture, AMD Virtualization and Light-Weight...Read more...
The AOA Forums have uncovered what is supposedly a new motherboard from Abit that is using an nForce5Z chipset. Clad in an unusual purple color with some "ahem" interesting graphics, one begins to wonder whether this is a real board or rather a clever trap to find the source of information leaks. Afterall, a purple motherboard with...Read more...