Items tagged with drugs

While a push toward privacy is great for the average person, it is also simultaneously great for criminal gangs. Using secure messaging systems, these gangs can secretly communicate plans for drug shipments or killings worldwide. However, if law enforcement is inside these messaging apps, then the criminals can be... Read more...
Amazon has been a massively disruptive force in the retail industry and has changed the way that people shop online. Prime members get free video streaming and free two-day shipping on many items making Amazon one of the top shopping destination online. It seems that soon Amazon could be expanding its offerings with... Read more...
Amazon has been an incredibly disruptive force as the world’s most dominant online retailer. Not only has Amazon crushed other online retailers that have attempted to compete with it, but brick and mortar retailers have also come under immense pressure (or folded completely) due to the company's ever-growing... Read more...
If HBO's Silicon Valley portrays anything, it's that competition in the Bay Area is fierce. And if you follow the tech scene at all, it's easy to observe the cut-throat atmosphere of the technical arena. This is so much the case, that it can lead to obvious detrimental effects in competitively charged company circles... Read more...
It's the second such "pocket dialing leads to arrest" story in less than a month, and you have to admit, it makes one wonder a) what kind of cell phones these criminals are using, and b) why they don't use a belt holster. Authorities say a Georgia man "pocket-dialed" 911. The dispatcher on the other end of the line overheard people discussing... Read more...
Parents More Comfortable Talking Drugs than Science Intel Survey Reveals Majority of Parents of Teens Find it Difficult to Help their Kids with Math and Science The News: A recent Intel Corporation survey found that parents feel more equipped to talk about drug abuse than math and science with their children. ... Read more...