Items tagged with DDR2

Good morning gang.  Time for a little bit of computer hardware news and reviews to wake up with.  We're all cranking away on some sweet new hardware and the reviews should keep rolling out at a steady pace.  This should be one heck of a summer, so stay tuned.  For now, grab some java and enjoy the news we have on tap right... Read more...
Good afternoon folks!  It's a muggy, wet day here in HH's New York lab.  It seems like Mother Nature is making up for the fantastic weather this Father's Day!  No matter though, I've got 6 video cards running through our benchmark suite in preparation for some upcoming articles, and could use a good excuse to stay inside chained... Read more...
Good Morning All, Intel lets fly with their new i925X and i915 chipsets today, along with a couple of LGA775 based P4's to go with them.  PCI Express, DDR2 and a host of other new goodies are on the bench at Have a look at all this new good stuff, right here!... Read more...
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