Items tagged with crimson
Late last year, Raja Koduri and crew, at the AMD Radeon Technologies Group launched the Radeon Software Crimson Edition software suite and publicly committed to improving the company’s software and drivers. In a video AMD RTG posted at the time of the initial announcement, Raja Koduri and Terry “Catalyst Maker”...
You have to tip your hat to early adopters of new technology, both on the hardware side and when it comes to software. They're the ones living on the bleeding edge and discovering flaws that will be fixed in time for everyone else to jump on board. Case in point, some AMD graphics card owners are reporting fan issues...
AMD has gone through significant changes as a company over the last few months. Recently, we’ve seen them enter into a joint venture with Nantong Fujitsu for final assembly and test operations and form the new Radeon Technologies Group, led by longtime graphics guru Raja Koduri.
Today, AMD is announcing another big...