Items tagged with blackfriday
In case you forgot, Cyber Monday is coming, and although you very well could spend more money tomorrow than you did on Black Friday, you definitely won’t be trampled to death. Put that in the plus column right there, friend. Amazon, of course, has a plethora of Cyber Monday deals, but the e-commerce behemoth is extending many of its...
The instructions for the game say it all: “Punch yourself in the face to stay awake, but don’t punch too much or you will die.” It’s a game that isn’t especially scintillating, but it’s a simple and funny commentary on the whole Black Friday experience. Basically, you have to punch...
The Microsoft brass probably didn’t get a lot of sleep on Thanksgiving night, instead laying awake and wondering how Black Friday sales of its Windows 8 computers and Surface tablets were going to fare, as the shopping holiday was the first real test outside of launch day for Microsoft’s new fleet of...
Black Friday always leaves something of a black mark on Americans, and consumers in general. It's really a weird, tragic event to celebrate. We usually spend all of Thanksgiving recognizing all that we have to be thankful for, and perhaps not even 24 hours later, some consumers head to big box shops to trounce one...