Search Results For: titanfall.aspx
Back in June, YouTube announced that it would offer 48 and 60 frames per second video support by allowing users to upload footage with higher fps. However, since then, the company has remained silent on the issue. But now, YouTube has begun to roll out support for the higher video frame rates and allowing regular...
If you're bored this weekend with a fast Internet connection and some time to kill, EA is offering a free download of Titanfall to everyone, no questions asked, for the next two days. The game is the full version -- you won't have any feature restrictions or locked-off areas. While it's being billed as a weekend...
Google's Project Tango Tablet development kit is a 3D mapping and spatially-aware device that, with a number of cameras and sensors on board, can detect its surroundings and your movements in three dimensions. As such, you can utilize the device to develop applications and uses that integrate the physical world around...
If you’ve been digging Titanfall but have exhausted all the maps, here’s some good news for you: The game is getting three new maps with the "Expedition" DLC next month. According to CinemaBlend, Expedition is one of three DLC packs coming soon, and each will cost $10 each, or you can get them for...
Titanfall has been one of the most anticipated and important games of the Xbox One's short life, but a head-to-head comparison between the new console and high-end gaming PCs has illustrated that once again, the PCs come out on top. The problem, in this case, isn't that the Xbox One's visuals are poor -- the...
The latest data from NPD is in and it shows a significant jump in Xbox One's relative sales position versus PS4. In January, reports indicated that the PS4 had been outsold by the PS4 nearly 2:1, but February closed that gap with the Xbox One moving an estimated 258,000 units against the PS4's 286,000 units...
id you call in sick to work today in order to play Titanfall? Wait, don’t answer that--but if you are locked in with a six-pack of Mt. Dew and copious bags of Cheetos for a day or two of nonstop Titanfall action, don’t forget to grab some fresh GPU drivers for your NVIDIA-based system. There’s a lot...
PC and Xbox gamers have been anxiously awaiting the release of Titanfall since it was unveiled last June, and that wait has finally come to an end. Publisher Electronic Arts (EA) and developer Respawn Entertainment released Titanfall to retail stores across North America today, which is notable for a few reasons. The...