EA Offers Free Titanfall Trial -- No Constraints, No Feature Reductions

If you're bored this weekend with a fast Internet connection and some time to kill, EA is offering a free download of Titanfall to everyone, no questions asked, for the next two days. The game is the full version -- you won't have any feature restrictions or locked-off areas. While it's being billed as a weekend offer, that's not the case -- EA has said that you've got 48 hours to play the game from when you first launch it, not just over the next two days.

That's a particularly nice offer given that the game weighs in somewhere north of 50GB, with the overwhelming majority of that being uncompressed PCM files. Exactly why Titanfall feels the need to double or triple its install base through massive audio data was never really addressed at any point, but hey -- it'll give you an opportunity to be productive this weekend while downloading the game.

This offer is good for PC users only but is open to anyone whose system can handle the game. This program is part of EA's new Origin Game Time service -- once you start the game for the first time, the 48 hour clock starts counting down in real-time -- meaning you get 48 hours of real-time to play the game, not 48 hours of play . If you like the game and want to buy it, you can do so -- your progress will be saved when the trial ends and you'll be able to pick up where you left off.

Titanfall has become one of the biggest hits of the early console cycle, it led sales charts in March and April before being kicked a few rungs down the ladder by Mario Kart 8. EA and Microsoft have been almost completely silent on sales -- a curious omission for a title this popular. We know the game moved a million copies in the three weeks after launch, but no formal figures have been released since. Whether this represents a disappointing overall debut or is just EA and Microsoft wanting to stay mum on Xbox One results isn't clear.