Search Results For: malware.aspx

Samsung has previously rolled out a mobile security solution with KNOX, which is for Android devices and has been marketed to enterprises, primarily aimed at enhancing security amidst the BYOD trend. Earlier this year, KNOX was deemed a strong enough solution on Samsung mobile devices that the U.S. government approved... Read more...
Android may have been birthed as an operating system for digital cameras, but after being acquired by Google, it's since grown to become the most popular mobile OS in the world. Cyber criminals have taken notice, and according to a study by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Federal Bureau of Investigation... Read more...
Linux users have long been able to claim that their platform of choice is about as safe as an OS can get, but that sentiment is getting a little harder to side with thanks to the recent discovery of the 'Hand of Thief' trojan - it's a bad one, so listen up. Hand of Thief's goal is to lead you to financial ruin by... Read more...
As the prevalence of the Android OS grows, so grows a commensurate vector for malicious attacks from malware. Apparently, the number of malicious apps is growing, too. According to a study released by security software maker Trend Micro, the number of malicious and high-risk Android apps has jumped to about 718,000--which is more startling... Read more...
It doesn't matter if you're a saint or a frequent sinner, a sailor with a potty mouth or a monk who took a vow of silence. If you own a computer, then at some point you've belted out a line of obscenities that would make Andrew Dice Clay wince in astonishment. PCs have a way of bringing out the worst in us when things... Read more...
I'm not sure we needed another example of just how opportunistic malware creators can be, but thanks to Android.AntiObscan, we got one. This is a piece of malware that's been floating around the Web recently that mimics Jay-Z's brand-new album app, Magna Carta Holy Grail. Weeks before its launch, this album hit the... Read more...
While mobile use worldwide is growing at an accelerated rate, so too is the increase of malware. But accepting that idea is one thing; seeing it in numbers is another. According to Juniper Networks, the number of individual pieces of mobile malware increased 614% between March 2012 and March 2013. 614%! That figure is nothing short of staggering,... Read more...
Scandinavian browser maker Opera Software was the recent victim of a hacker attack in which the infiltrators made off with at least one old and expired Opera code signing certificate. The attackers were then able to use the certificate to sign some malware and distribute malicious software under the pretense that it's... Read more...
In a perfect online world, we'd all sing, "A surfing we will go, a surfing we will go, heigh-ho the derry-o, a surfing we will go," and off we'd go without fear of malware or malicious links or any of the other cruft that litters the web. Unfortunately, reality is far removed from most nursery rhymes, and the web is a... Read more...
Be careful what you click on, Facebook users. According to security outfit Trend Micro, variants of the info-stealing Zeus malware are "reemerging with a vengeance" and targeting Facebook users with increased tenacity in recent months. A surge of activity was noted in the beginning of February, but instead of leveling off, it continues to... Read more...
You probably never thought that simply charging your mobile device would make you susceptible to malware, but apparently these types of hardware hacks could be the next big thing among cyber criminals. To prove it, a trio of security researchers built a proof-of-concept charger that they claim is capable of silently... Read more...
If your moral compass doesn't dissuade you from pirating games, maybe the prevalence of malware will. According to the latest research from AVG, game hacks and cracks almost always contain malicious code, as in more than 90 percent of the time, depending on where the downloads originate. In other words, for every 10 times you download a keygen... Read more...
Talk about spring cleaning. According to techcrunch, citing “a company in the mobile app industry which has insight into changes like this”, some 60,000 apps were removed from the Google Play store in February. That’s a startling number, considering that the total number of apps in the Google Play store is around 700,000.... Read more...
This coming Tuesday, April 9, is going to be a busy one for Microsoft’s update servers. In advance of what have become known as “Patch Tuesday”, Microsoft posted nine early security bulletins to notify users and system administrators of the slew of impending Windows updates. Two of the patches have... Read more...
As the world shifts to mobile, hackers are adapting their strategies. According to Kaspersky Labs, the security firm just discovered a successful campaign by unknown hackers to target malware at a group of Android phone users. The target: Tibetan activists. The Conference app is malware. Image credit: Forbes The key to getting the attack off... Read more...
Another day, another Adobe Reader vulnerability -- what else is new, right? It just so happens that this latest security hole affects several versions of Adobe Reader, including 10 and 11, both of which are supposed to keep the operating system isolated from attacks through sandbox technology. No dice. "Adobe has identified critical vulnerabilities... Read more...
In the immortal words of radiohead: “You do it to yourself...and that’s why it really hurts.” Security company Bit9 is surely feeling those words after being hacked late last week when attackers targeted computers within Bit9’s own network that weren’t protected by Bit9’s own... Read more...
Social butterflies beware, there's a brand new strain of the Facebook Token Hijacker malware going around, and it preys on victims who want to score a pair of free UGGs boots. What makes this malware "special" is that it's armed with improved obfuscation techniques to keep its dirty code hidden from anti-malware... Read more...
Researchers with Kaspersky Labs have released information on a new botnet they've discovered that dwarfs any previous cyber-espionage efforts as far as its size, scope, and complexity. The new network, dubbed Red October, has sunk its hooks into systems worldwide. The degree of penetration varies from state to state... Read more...
Early last month, we learned about what Google had in store for its "App Verification Service" that comes bundled with Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean). The concept was simple; the app would gather bits of information about any app you are about to install, send that information to Google's servers, and then send back the... Read more...
A new report by network security provider Kindsight suggests that 13 percent of all home networks in North America are infected with malware, which is slightly less than the infection rate of the previous quarter (14 percent). That works out to one in seven home networks. In addition, some 6.5 percent of broadband... Read more...
The web is a dangerous place, and one of the threats that emerged in 2011 was that of malnets, or malware networks, which are just what they sound like. These infrastructures are designed to last beyond a single attack and allow cybercriminals to adapt to new vulnerabilities and launch malware attacks over and over again. Malnets grew in popularity... Read more...
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