Search Results For: hbo.aspx

Anyone who goes without cable TV but still loves popular content is no doubt aware of the limitations that cutting the cord can introduce. Often, networks will offer to broadcast their shows online, but then put it behind a paywall in the form of a required cable TV subscription. That's about as nonsensical as it... Read more...
The vast majority of three-piece bundles from cable companies include Internet, television channels, and landline phone service rolled into a single package. That's fine and dandy, but there are a growing number of cord cutters who have no interest in a landline, or even full blown cable or satellite TV service for... Read more...
A couple of disclaimers are necessary before moving on. First, each one of us at HotHardware loves our parents. We could go on and on with reasons why, just understand that despite the embedded videos you're about to watch, we have nothing against moms and dads -- we just don't always want to watch movies and TV shows with them. Secondly,... Read more...
Home Box Office Inc. doesn't receive nearly as much attention (and kudos) as it deserves in what's become a landscape of streaming media. While organizations like the RIAA and MPAA are ultra concerned with copyrights and locking down content with restrictive digital rights management (DRM), HBO is a company that seems... Read more...
Go home, HBO, you're drunk. That's the message we hope Google sends HBO in response to the media company including a link to a copy of the popular VLC media player as part of a DMCA takedown request. Judging by the other links in the request, HBO is primarily trying to remove illegal copies of Game of Thrones from the... Read more...
For the next couple of weeks, an artist in Times Square is giving you the chance to put a giant image of your face on the ground. What--you’re not booking a flight to N.Y.C. right now? Then you might miss out on the fun, because people different artistic sensibilities than yours are lining up every day to get... Read more...
Pirates flocked to BitTorrent in record numbers to download the season premiere of HBO's Game of Thrones. Within an hour of the first torrent being uploaded, there were 163,088 people sharing the single file, breaking the record for the largest BitTorrent swarm ever. That's according to TorrentFreak, which notes that... Read more...
Netflix is gearing up to add something you’ve been wanting for a long time. What? No, it’s not HBO content. No, it’s not a better selection of new movies. This is bigger! Better! It’s…”social features.” That’s right, Netflix is getting closer to letting you share your viewing habits with... Read more...
If you’re a Time Warner Cable customer with access to HBO, you’re in luck, because your cable provider will be providing you with access to HBO GO and Cinemax’s MAX GO within the next month. With HBO GO, you can stream 1,400 HBO programs toy our computer, mobile device, or Roku box. MAX GO is essentially the same thing, only... Read more...
The HBO Go service, launched in February 2010, which allows customers of DirecTV, Comcast, AT&T U-Verse, and more to catch up on their HBO favorites over the Web, is about to go mobile, which makes sense based on its name. The company has teased iPad, iPhone, and Android viewing in an HBO video posted on YouTube late last week. The video... Read more...
We've heard for quite some time that Hulu was considering pay-for-content subscription models, which is quite different from how things are today. Currently, users are able to watch anything on Hulu (which includes a vast majority of today's most popular television shows) for free so long as they watch advertisements. It certainly generates... Read more...