Search Results For: firefox.aspx

The full, Gold-master release of Firefox 4 is still behind held close to the chest, but already Mozilla is thinking about Firefox 5. The next major iteration of the browser is destined to bring about some fairly serious upgrades, and the company managed to ship the beta of FF5 last Friday, right on time. It's also proof that the company is... Read more...
Reducing mobile power consumption has been a top priority of the PC industry for years. Much of the work in this area has focused on hardware, but a recent post from Microsoft's IE blog raises the question of whether or not browser choice can make a difference in battery life*. It's not a question people would've considered for most of the... Read more...
The world still loves Firefox. That's what we learned from the launch of Firefox 4, which in a single day managed to grab hold of nearly 2 percent of the worldwide Internet browser market, according to StatCounter's statistics. That's more than both Opera 11 and IE9, the latter of which was released last week and claims a 0.87 percent share... Read more...
Note:  This is not a full review of IE9 in all its puissant glory but a quick tour of the new browser, its additional features and UI changes, and a quick check of its performance vis-à-vis the other major browser options. Internet Explorer 9 debuted this week into a flourishing browser market; Microsoft's new browser will have... Read more...
Slowly but surely, Mozilla's Firefox continues to grow into more and more of a respectable opponent to Microsoft's Internet Explorer. As the years have passed, more people have grown tired of IE's nagging and security holes, and Firefox has been able to capitalize like no other. The company's newest version of Firefox... Read more...
Buckle up folks, Mozilla promises its latest Firefox 4 Beta will knock your socks off with much improved JavaScript performance and blazing fast graphics rendering. In regards to the former, Mozilla added the JagerMonkey just-in-time (JIT) JavaScript compiler to Firefox 4 Beta 7, which along with the existing TraceMonkey JIT and SpiderMonkey's... Read more...
Listen up ladies and gents, if you aren't in the habit of changing up your passwords every once in awhile, consider doing so. Not only is it good practice in general, but as it turns out, your browser does a pretty piss-poor job of covering your tracks. Enter Russian software maker ElcomSoft, which just announced a... Read more...
This news story comes straight from the "We couldn't make this up" file. It's a well known fact that banks offer different interest rates to different customers depending on the applicant's credit history, credit rating, and annual income. Somewhere along the line, one's choice of browser was apparently slipped into... Read more...
You could argue that the browsers on the iPhone and Android saved mobile browsing. Before those, mobile browsing was usually limited. Very limited. Few desktop websites could be viewed on mobile browsers, and for years people begged and pleaded for a mobile version of Firefox. Now they have it. You could argue that... Read more...
Looking in the rear view, there's no question, technology has evolved in a huge way since 2008 and few areas have evolved as much as the Web browser space. The competition has heated up in a big, big way. Microsoft has found themselves lagging behind in terms of features and flexibility, Firefox's popularity has grown, Safari has picked up... Read more...
It's sort of amazing where we have come with mobile Browsing, really. Just think back in the year 2000. When people were ringing in the New Year, no one had a smartphone capable of Browsing the Web in a way that was even close to as comfortable as with a PC. It simply wasn't a reality. Today, smartphones are canned... Read more...
The "September" time frame was confirmed already, but the next major installment of Internet Explorer now has a firm launch date: September 15. That's the date that Microsoft has set for the debut of the first IE9 beta, which is the company's first major attempt to battle the advancements made by Chrome and Firefox... Read more...
Most of us here behind the scenes roll through the Web with Firefox or Chrome, but for those of you still clinging to Microsoft's Internet Explorer, you'll have a new browser to play with in September. That's when the Redmond software juggernaut will push out the first fully fledged beta (as opposed to that highly limited Preview release floating... Read more...
One of our primary problems with Safari when we took an in-depth look at it last year was this: no wide-ranging plug-in support as there is with Firefox. For power users who love to browse the Web their own way, using third-party plug-ins to enhance their experience, Safari just never has lived up to Firefox. It's... Read more...
Good news for iPhone and iPod Touch users who are fans of Mozilla's Firefox browser. In a blog post this week, Mozilla announced that its Firefox Home application is now available for download for both platforms. The free app gives iPhone and iPod Touch owners the ability to access their Firefox desktop history, bookmarks, and open tabs from... Read more...
There's a new beta browser in town, and its name is Firefox 4. Previously available in "Candidate" form, this latest release is a bit more polished and ready for anyone comfortable playing with beta software, which may or may not prove stable (been running fine for us so far). If Firefox 4 looks eerily familiar, then you must have logged some... Read more...
For compatibility reasons, many corporations still insist on deploying Internet Explorer across their workforce, no matter how much the end-user complains. It's not that IE is more standards compliant than other browsers -- in most cases, the opposite is true -- but Microsoft's longstanding dominance in browser market share has forced Web... Read more...
In an effort to get around Apple's ban on rival browsers for its iPhone, Mozilla plans to offer a Firefox application that will give users access to their browser bookmarks and history. The app will also let users open tabs from their most recent Firefox sessions.   The Firefox Home app is a spin-off of the bookmark and tab synchronization... Read more...
My, how the mighty have fallen. It wasn't long ago that Internet Explorer simply dominated the Internet. Everyone used it be default, and no other browser came close in terms of market share. IE was so powerful that the European Union banded together and forced Microsoft to insert a Browser Selection Screen on all new... Read more...
If there's one nation out there who really, really cares about the digital well-being of their citizens, it's Germany. Just a couple of months after the country warned the general public to avoid Internet Explorer due to a raft of security concerns, the government has now done likewise to an unexpected rival: Firefox... Read more...
Just over five months after the browser first entered public testing with an alpha release, Mozilla released Firefox 3.6. Although we had previously heard about delays for the latest version of this popular browser, the actual delay was much shorter than some had expected. So what will you get with Firefox 3.6? Well, for starters, Mozilla... Read more...
Mozilla won't be releasing new versions of Firefox as early as initially planned. The next version of Firefox (version 3.6) was planned to be released sometime this year. Now, this version won't be released until at least the first quarter of 2010. This pushes back other releases as well, including the major 4.0 release; Firefox 4.0 is now... Read more...
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