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Even the most dextrous people on the planet have their moments of clumsiness, and it usually happens when holding a pricey (and uninsured) smartphone. For whatever reason, those suckers like to squirt right out of our hands, especially if we happen to be trotting along on a tough surface like concrete (something about... Read more...
For all the talk about curved displays and other innovations that we’re supposedly going to start seeing in wearable computing any minute now (what wonders will CES hold on that front this year?), OEMs are limited by what display manufacturers can create. To that end, Corning announced a new manufacturing... Read more...
It's not too often that upcoming glass technology is worth getting excited over, but leave it to Corning to pique our interest. During a recent talk at MIT's Mobile Technology Summit, Dr. Jeffrey Evenson took to the stage to reiterate what it is about Gorilla Glass that makes it such an attractive... Read more...
Replacing a cracked smartphone screen is a time-consuming, miserable process that involves way too many microscopic screws. Corning, which makes the glass found in many smartphones and tablets, announced Gorilla Glass 3, the latest version of its tough glass composition.   Gorilla Glass 3 is going to be tougher than version 2, of... Read more...
Corning has sent the first shipments of its new Gorilla Glass 2 to "key device makers" who will use the new glass in devices planned for release this year. As the next-generation version of the widely used cover glass for smartphones and other consumer electronic devices, Gorilla Glass 2 improves upon the original... Read more...
Revolutions are talked about frequently, but in honesty, not too many revolutions come about. It takes something truly outstanding, truly innovative to be considered a "revolution" in our book. The original iPhone was revolutionary, but every model since has simply been evolutionary. But Corning's vision of the... Read more...