YouTube TV Is Another Cord Cutter Streaming Package Priced At $35 A Month
YouTube is taking the next step in its ongoing evolution as an online video destination. The company announced on Tuesday that it plans to roll out live TV streaming service called YouTube TV that will run $35 per month and include access to dozens of channels, including ABC, CBX, Fox, NBC, ESPN, regional sports networks, and a whole bunch of popular cable channels. DVR is included, too.
Jump starting a live TV service is no easy task. One advantage YouTube had going into this is its existing infrastructure with millions of eyeballs already in place. However, it still needed to hammer out agreements with major media companies, and as other companies that have tried to enter into the streaming space can attest, getting media outlets on board can be difficult. Cable channels have been slow to fully embrace the cord-cutting crowd.
YouTube was able to bring some major players on board and the result is being able to give subscribers access to more than 40 channels. Some of the premium ones will cost an additional fee—specifically, Showtime and Fox Soccer Plus both cost extra. YouTube didn't say how much, but we'd venture to guess it's in the neighborhood of $5 to $10 per month, on top of the $35 subscription fee.
One of the unique perks YouTube is able to offer is cloud DVR without any storage limits. Subscribers can record an unlimited number of shows, simultaneously, and not worry about storage limits.
YouTube allows subscribers to use the live TV service on up to six accounts. Each one will have its own unique recommendations and personal DVR, so parents do not have to worry about little Billy's viewing habits cluttering up their own feeds with Spongebob recommendations.
The YouTube television service includes access to YouTube Red Original's TV shows and movies through the YouTube TV app, which supports both Android and iOS.