Xbox One and PlayStation 4 Expected at Toys R Us on November 29 and December 13, Respectively

It looks as though Microsoft's upcoming Xbox One console may get a head start in the market place compared to Sony's competing PlayStation 4, at least at Toys R Us. The mega toy chain is kind of all over the place with its listings, however the earliest ship date spotted for the Xbox One is November 29, 2013, well in time to sneak it under the Christmas tree (if you celebrate the holiday).

Meanwhile, the earliest listing for the PS4 at Toys R Us had the next generation console shipping two weeks later on December 13th, which is still in time for Christmas though cutting it awfully close if you don't already have one on pre-order.

Xbox One Day One

These dates were spotted by the U.K.'s The Inquirer on Tuesday, however we're seeing different dates just two days later. The Xbox One Standard Edition (Day One Edition is sold out) is now scheduled to ship on November 30th and so is the PS4. If the Xbox One does end up debuting on the 29th as The Inquirer reports, it would still have a slight launch a day. That all goes out the window if you step up to the PS4 Knack and Driveclub bundle, which lists December 31st as the ship date.