The end may be near for Windows as we know it, according to research firm Gartner:
"Because Microsoft Windows is so large and complex, covering 20 years of legacy code, it can no longer adequately respond to market forces, and Windows needs to be securely redesigned, said Gartner analysts Michael Silver and Neil MacDonald. They delivered the news at the Gartner Symposium/ITxpo 2008 in Las Vegas this week."
We’re not entirely sure that this is the case just yet, but we could certainly see the argument for this happening eventually. So the question then would be, what will have to happen?
Will MS eventually write a whole new version of Windows and include some legacy support via emulation, much the same way OS X initially supported legacy apps? Would a completely fresh start work better, one with no backwards compatibility?
These are all interesting questions, and virtually impossible to answer with any certainty.