Time To Cut Microsoft Some Slack, Surface 2 Shows They Understand Mobile
Let's all take a deep breath and analyze the Microsoft offering a little bit. Here's a bit more information to help with the digestion.
What does occur to me here is that Microsoft's 10.6-inch premium tablet offering is very competitive with current market-leading products, from a price standpoint. If they threw in Touch Cover 2 for $449 it would have been a serious head-turner, in my humble opinion. But let's look at the bigger picture.
On Monday, Microsoft Corporate VP of Surface, Panos Panay gave a passionate pitch, as expected, about the company's new tablet offering. His tech demos underscored not only performance of the product and the fact that Microsoft is beginning to understand the white-hot tablet market but also that they're starting to leverage their internal resources and still-developing ecosystem to compete.
Here's Mr. Panay demonstrating the Surface 2's front-facing web camera in a very low light Skype video chat session and the performance is impressive...
Now let's look at a raw performance demo, but there are claims here that you might quickly dismiss as well. Here's Panos demonstrating the multitasking and gaming capabilities of their new Surface 2 tablet...
Apple and Google get accolades for the wealth of app software available on their platforms and there's no question that Microsoft is still playing catch-up with the Windows Store. They need to work on that for sure but Microsoft at its roots is a software company. I'm willing to bet they figure it out. I like what we're seeing from Microsoft with the new Surface 2 and Surface Pro 2. The company clearly is beginning to understand that a tablet needs to have more than just a high-res screen and a slick UI. It's about the total package, the ecosystem, and experience. More importantly, in my opinion, they're also beginning to execute based on that reality as well.