Thermaltake Spirit, Memory Cooler, Icemat 2nd Edition and More
Good afternoon everyone :) After a demanding day at work, the women friend has decided that we should go out for dinner and a movie. I think a few glasses of wine, some tasty Italian food and a good action flick should calm the nerves. But, before we leave *smacks lips*, I think I am in the mood for a piping hot appetizer of juice? Mmmmm.... warm juice..... ;)
Thermaltake Extreme Spirit @
"Just when you think you have your system running at peak efficiency, something comes along that makes you rethink the way everything runs. That was our case when we got our hands on Thermaltake's Extreme Spirit North and South bridge cooler. Truth is, so much emphasis is placed on keeping your cpu cool that the North and South bridge tend to be ignored."
Super Talent Memory Cooler @ PimpRig
"Even though blinking lights won't increase performance one bit (although pin stripes and stickers usually help), being included as an additional feature is always a plus. Each of the fans has 6 small blinking LED's installed and produce a combination of different colors."
Black Icemat 2nd Edition Review @ Creative mods
"Icemat makes highend glass mousepads with a special coating to increase smoothness. Today, I reviewed the Black Icemat 2nd edition. Why the 2nd edition? This is the 'improved' version of the first black Icemat. If you are interested in seeing if the Icemat 2nd edition proves to be worth its 48USD price tag, this article is for you."
Chaintech Zenith ZNF3-250 review @
"There's nothing much intrinsically wrong with the Zenith ZNF3-250. Great audio. FireWire, external boxes and a mouth-watering bundle are definite plusses. We, however, would recommend a revision B board with more of the nForce3 250's on-chip goodness, possibly a Gb version with integrated firewall, and an updated BIOS that lets the enthusiast push this Zenith to the limit."
Grantsdale and Alderwood Primer @ Viper Lair
"Over the next several days, you'll be hearing a lot about Intel's significant upgrade to the Pentium 4 platform. Soon enough, that brand new Canterwood board you have will be yesterday's news as two new words will be on the lips of all enthusiasts... Grantsdale and Alderwood."
FIC Ice Cube HU61 Review @ AMD Zone
"FIC has had their Ice Cube line of small form factors out for some time, but they had yet to cross into AMD territory. Now with Prescott making new near term Intel small form factors somewhat in doubt they have done the smart thing and introduced the nForce 3 150 based Ice Cube HU61. This is a preproduction model, but according to FIC this is the final design. It shouldn't be the only Athlon 64 action coming from FIC as a Condor should see the light of day as well. Well let's take a look at the specs for the HU61 before we get to testing."
Time to get my eat on friends, I will catch you later :) - Cheers