The Greatest Tool The World Has Ever Known
What's the greatest tool the world has ever known? The lever? Bah! The wheel? Handy, it's true. The gun? Great for taking away other people's levers and wheels, but of doubtful utility in many settings. C'mon you know exactly what the most important tool, and the pinnacle of human achievement is:
Duct tape.
But science never sleeps; they've made the ultimate even more ultimater: 3M Nuclear Grade Duct Tape
Go and feast your eyes on this marvel. There's lots of specs for the stuff there, detailing flame spread and leachable halogens and ASME numbers I don't understand, but would give any red blooded american the heebie jeebies just thinking about them.
Sarah Conner would fix rips in her jeep upholstery with Nuclear Grade Duct Tape; no question about it.