Texting While Driving Google Glass Explorers Still A Hazard But With Faster Reflexes

Those hoping to Glass-and-drive might soon be in for a rude awakening: Research shows that using Google Glass while driving is just as dangerous as using a smartphone, and as it stands, 44 US states have banned the latter. The most important factor during this study was how quickly people reacted to an accident and slammed on the brakes - there simply was no difference between smartphone and Glass users.

Currently, 8 states are looking to ban drivers from using Google Glass and its competitors while driving, although I'd wager that actually enforcing such laws would be difficult. As time goes on, this smart eyewear is going to become more and more fashionable, so actually detecting if someone is wearing something other than prescription glasses (or sunglasses) would be challenging. I'd think it'd be challenging even if a cop were to pull up to the side of your car and give you the death stare.

Nonetheless, news that Glass is just as dangerous as using smartphones while driving is something Google wouldn't want to hear. In the past, the company has highlighted the fact that with Glass, you're more in tune with life, because you're not staring down at a device. It's easy to believe, too, that when you're looking straight ahead, it'd decrease the chance of an accident - but not so. If there's one benefit, it's that Glass wearers recovered from a near-accident quicker than smartphone users.

Distracted driving is a major pet peeve of mine, and while I agree with the idea of banning smartphones and smart eyewear from being used while driving, I think it's ultimately a pipe dream. Even with smartphones banned in 44 states, we still often hear about accidents that were caused by their use while driving.