Teenage Engineering's TX-6 Is An Amazing Tiny Mixer With Big Audio Chops And A Big Price Tag

The new rechargeable battery-powered TX-6 from Teenage Engineering appears to be as elegant as it is functional. The device is a 6-channel stereo mixer with 12-channel mono option in a beautiful CNC-machined aluminum chassis that provides a bevy of features. Those features include an equalizer, filters, compressor, aux send, cue, and additional digital effects. Not only does it come with these features, the entire face of the device and all the knobs and sliders, can be customized to utilize almost any of those features. It can do all this with an eight-hour battery life as well.

Inputs and Outputs of Teenage Engineering TX-6
How do you know what you're doing on your TX-6 when you use it? Simple, other than where your knobs and sliders are positioned, it has a nifty little monochrome OLED display at the top right that has a whopping 91 different visual outputs. Those visual outputs include items as simple as what audio output you're running your audio signal or system settings through. The display also supports more complex options, like waveform displays, EQ displays, and representation of the four drum machine sound system it supports. Teenage Engineering has also provided a nifty guide on how exactly you can use the mixer.

Some of the OLED display visuals