Survey Says 75 Percent of Americans Still Prefer Paper Books to eReaders
The report is based on a telephone survey, and it found that 75% of American Adults would rather read a book in a traditional print format than on an electronic book-reading device like a Kindle. Fifteen percent (15%) prefer reading on an electronic device. Ten percent (10%) are undecided. The survey of 1,000 Adults was conducted on July 11-12, 2013, but it's important to note that this is simply showcasing preference. The reality of how exactly people do read can often be different. For example, many may prefer a full desktop with a 30" LCD monitor, but due to cost and mobility constraints, those same folks end up relying on a notebook.
For those who travel, hauling around a paperback can be more of a burden than hauling around a multi-faceted e-reader or tablet. Still, semantics aside, it's quite interesting to see the love for print. We suspect it'll continue to fade as newer generations become the majority and that nostalgic love for print begins to fade.