Sony Racks Up Over 6 Million PlayStation 4 Units Sold In Less Than 4 Months
It's a stark change of things, as the Xbox 360 was the leading home console seller for months on end in the run-up to the next-gen launches. As for specifics surrounding software, Call of Duty: Ghosts, FIFA14, Battlefield 4, and Assassin's Creed: IV Black Flag are amongst the top movers, with Killzone Shadow Fall itself selling 2.1 million copies.
As of today, the PS4 can be purchased on shelves in 57 countries, and it's worth remembering that Sony also doesn't charge for access to its online suite of services, whereas Microsoft asks users to pony up for Xbox Live. It'll be interested to see if the momentum keeps up, particularly if we see a price drop leading into the 2014 holiday season.