Twitch Prime Adds More Classic SNK Games Including Metal Slug 2 For Free
Retro gaming is a passion for many enthusiasts who want to relive some of the glory of their youth. Retro gamers who have a Twitch Prime subscription can get some classic arcade games at no cost courtesy of SNK. Keep in mind that anyone with an Amazon Prime account also has a Twitch Prime account.
The seven games fall into the fighting and shooting genres and while there are seven individual titles, one of the games is actually a bundle of 24 games. The seven new titles include:
- Metal Slug 2
- SNK 40th Anniversary Collection (the bundle)
- Shock Troopers: 2nd Squad
- Baseball Stars 2
- Sengoku 3
- Ironclad
- King of the Monsters
For those wondering, the titles that are featured in the SNK 40th Anniversary Collection include:
- Alpha Mission
- Athena
- Crystalis
- Ikari Warriors
- Ikari Warriors II: Victory Road
- Ikari Warriors III: The Rescue
- Guerrilla War
- P.O.W.: Prisoners of War
- Prehistoric Isle
- Psycho Soldier
- Street Smart
- Vanguard
- Chopper I
- Fantasy
- Munch Mobile
- Time Soldiers
- Beast Busters
- Bermuda Triangle
- Ozma Wars
- Paddle Mania
- S.A.R. - Search and Rescue
- World Wars
There are several video games in the 40th Anniversary Collection gamers around in the 80s will remember fondly. I played lots of Ikari Warriors back in the day, and the game always reminded me of Rambo. The 40th Anniversary Collection is available on Steam and costs $29.99 alone.
These new titles are the second batch of retro games SNK offered to Twitch Prime members, and the first batch is still available to download. Twitch Prime subscribers can access all of the retro games here. We should also mention that about a year ago, members could get bonus loot for both GTA Online and Red Dead Online. Twitch has been in the news recently after banning Dr. Disrespect with no explanation.