Site Outages Still a Thorn in Netflix's Streaming Side

If you were unable to access your Netflix streaming service last night, don't feel bad, you weren't being singled out by a higher power. Instead, Netflix suffered yet another service outage on Tuesday night, this latest one lasting roughly four hours, according to reports.

"Netflix is up and on as usual," Netflix spokesman Steve Swasey said in an email to subscribers. "Last night we had an unanticipated and rare technical issue that interrupted the service for about four hours, since fixed."

Actually, South Park's intrepid news crew got it wrong. It was just Netflix that was out, not the entire Internet.

The technical issue itself might be rare, but outages on Netflix are slightly more common. This is the second time in six months that Netflix had its lights abruptly shut off, the last time resulting in a small credit for subscribers. No word on whether or not Netflix will issue a credit for last night's snafu, too.