Serious Log4j Security Flaw Puts The Entire Internet At Risk, Even iCloud And Steam
Unfortunately for everyone, it turns out that the prank was not actually exploiting a flaw in Minecraft, but in fact in the Apache Log4j library that Minecraft uses for logging. The problem is that Minecraft is just one of thousands upon thousands of web-based and other applications that use Log4j. When researching the root of this exploit, it's actually easier to talk about what is not affected, rather than what is.
Valve's massive Steam game distribution service and Apple's iCloud are just a couple of high-profile services that were affected by this exploit, along with nearly every webhost in the world. The flaw is actually an extremely common type of exploit in Java applications because of the way Java works. Essentially, Java is somewhat infamous for its tendency to intermingle code and data, and without careful accounting for this nature, bugs like this can easily occur.
The bug is already patched in Log4j version 2.15.0, but the logging package is included in an incredible number of applications, even ones you wouldn't expect. The application doesn't have to be written in Java to use log4j. Third-party application developers may be slow to patch their software, and in some cases, may not even be aware that they are actually including log4j as a dependency. If you have a system that isn't or can't be patched, there are workarounds, which the Apache group details on the security vulnerabilities page here.