Samsung Galaxy S9 Super Slow-Mo Mode Captures Feisty Jack Russells Chasing Frickin Laser Beams

As I sit here on a rainy weekend, putting Samsung’s new Galaxy S9+ flagship Android smartphone through its benchmark paces, I impressed with what I’m seeing performance-wise so far. However, working and living with the phone for the past week has brought to my attention true standout features and functionality that the mainstream user will immediately appreciate, and it starts with the camera array that Samsung built for what is shaping up to be a highly-refined beast of smartphone.
In our preview look at the Galaxy S9 and S9+ we gave a high-level overview of the devices and the wealth of new camera technology on board, from Samsung’s Dual Aperture lens to its multi-shot noise reduction techniques. However, a very cool feature that will not only come in handy, but be whole lot of fun is the Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9+ Super Slow-mo mode.
Samsung notes this about the feature: “Make everyday moments epic with dynamic, slow-motion video that captures 960 frames per second. The Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9+ also offers automatic Motion Detection, an intelligent feature that detects movement in the frame and automatically begins to record – all users have to do is set up the shot. After capturing the Super Slow-mo video, users can select background music from 35 different options.”
This technology not only works well, but think of the use cases where folks can enjoy this feature. Little Johnny or Janie steps up to the plate, the pitch comes in for what is eventually going to be a deep laser shot to left center field, and you’ve got the batter’s box framed up. Super Slow-mo mode kicks in just as the ball crosses the strike zone and that bat meets it square in the sweet spot – boom you just recorded 6 seconds of pure awesome execution of your proud little one dominating on the diamond, for all to enjoy. Or maybe you’re busting some serious moves on the dance floor with your crew – you get the idea. Super Slow-mo mode works really well and just as it sounds. Unfortunately, it only shoots at 720p but it still captures some really cool footage, switching from live speed to .2 second captures spread out over 6 seconds at 960 FPS and then back again.

The affect is very cool. You can capture lots of things obviously, anything that might enter the frame at any given time – like a pair of rather excitable Jack Russell Terriers perhaps? Meet Maximus and Yogi. What’s faster than a pair of Jack Russells chasing a laser pointer? Not much, but the Galaxy S9’s Super Slow-Mo mode shows just how these little beasties cut-up the corners and burn-up the straights.