Resident Evil 6 Is Headed To Xbox And PS5 If This ESRB Rating Is Any Indication

While it’s not the worst of the Resident Evil games, that distinction easily goes to Umbrella Corps, it’s not a fan favorite either. It’s also not a classic entry that’s revered by the gaming community, in the same way Resident Evil 2 or Resident Evil 4 are. RE6 attempted to introduce new characters, several storylines, gameplay mechanics, and prominently features co-op gameplay. Unfortunately, none of this came together well, leading to a subpar experience.

Because of its lackluster reputation, the most likely scenario is that it’s just a basic port that will make the game natively playable on the current crop of console hardware. A remake is not likely in the cards because it would require significant resources the company would be better off putting into a new entry. Although it would be interesting to see if Capcom could salvage this misbegotten entry with everything it has learned over the years.
It's nice to see older games get ported to the most up-to-date hardware available, and hopefully Resident Evil 6 gets a image quality and performance bump along the way. While the ESRB rating only lists Xbox Series for now, PlayStation 5 owners shouldn’t worry as it’s likely just an early and incomplete listing. Hopefully we get an official announcement sometime soon.