Radeon 9200, Pentium-M 735, KVM Lovin, Wireless Media
Good morning folks. Jeff.b checking in with your Friday morning news fix. It's relatively quiet today, to start. So I've rounded up a few news items for you today and hopefully things will pick up a little.
Hightech Excalibur Radeon 9200SE Videocard Review @ Tweaknews.net:
"Now before you discredit this card as a slow piece of hardware, let me clarify one thing. This card is neither meant or intended to be a screamer in any way shape or form. What this card is offering is a very cost effective solution to a person needing the great 2D quality ATI is know for, allow the user to have fully functional VIVO capabilities and do some very minor gaming from time to time. For me to judge this videocard on gaming performance alone would be a very ignorant and completely unfair. Not every card is made to perform in the enthusiast market."
Intel Pentium-M 735 (1.7 GHz) @ the GamePC Labs:
"Today at GamePC, we've taken a look at the new Pentium-M 735, the first CPU from Intel to use their new processor naming scheme. The 735 is the first readily available CPU on the market which is based on the new Dothan core, Intel's second 90 nanometer manufactured processor. The Pentium-M 735 runs at 1.7 GHz, has 2MB of on-die L2 cache, and actually consumes less power and runs cooler in comparison to previous Pentium-M CPU's."
StarTech StarView SV231USB KVM Switch @ ipkonfig:
"As computer prices continue to drop, more and more people are buying a second PC. Some purchase laptops while others purchase mini-pc's or another tower. The problem isn't with owning more than one PC though, it's the clutter of multiple keyboards, monitors, and mice that take up all the room on the desktop. That's where StarTech comes to the rescue."
Designtechnica Reviews the Actiontec Wireless Digital Media Player:
"Actiontec's Wireless Digital Media Player handles the playback of images and video quite well, but it falls short in its Web browsing capabilities and the feature that most people are going to want the device for – playing music."
OK people, that's all for now. Check back a little later and see if anything else pops up. Otherwise, have a great weekend!