Quake Champions Calls Out The PC Master Race, Console Peasants Need Not Apply

But given the stiff requirements of Quake Champions, consoles like the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One never had a chance (developer id Software is targeting 60+ fps and a targeted 120Hz refresh rate). Pete Hines, Bethesda’s marketing chief further explained the reasoning for making Quake Champions a PC-exclusive. "We were like, 'No, it's a PC-only thing. It's this kind of game. It's got to have this kind of performance, and it's going to be on PC full stop.' We feel very comfortable in making those calls,” stated Hines in an interview with GameSpot.

Hines then bluntly added, "There is not a console that supports our vision for Quake Champions." Well, there you have it.
That’s not to say Quake Champions can’t find its way onto future consoles, and Hines definitely left the door open for the possibility. But it would take a lot more than what the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, or Xbox One S have to offer.
Sony will reportedly unveil its PlayStation 4 Neo in early September, and that console features a 1.25x increase in memory bandwidth, a 1.3x faster CPU, and potentially twice the graphics horsepower of its predecessor. And we can’t forget that Microsoft’s Project Scorpio will be released in fall 2017. The console will feature 6 TFLOPs of GPU compute performance, putting it slightly ahead of the AMD Radeon RX 480 in power.
Would either of these console support id Software’s “vision” for Quake Champions? We guess only time will tell.
In other Quake Champions news, id Software still hasn’t decided if the game will be free-to-play or not. “I can definitely say that is a really hard problem, and so for us we’re trying to figure out exactly what people want more of, and how they perceive it,” said Tim Willits during an interview with PC Gamer. “And I’m not even trying to be cagey! It’s not like we know and just aren’t trying to tell anybody, we don’t know and we’re still trying to figure this out.”