OnePlus One To Score Android L Update With Cyanogen Mod, Moto X and Moto G Getting It Too
Staff Member Mike posted an unequivocal announcement in the CyanogenMod 11S section on OnePlus’ forums stating that Android L is coming to the handset. “Well, we're keen to announce today that the OnePlus One will indeed be getting the L treatment,” he wrote, adding that the timeline for when it’s out depends on Google. “We promise to have it done within three months of their releasing a final build,” he said.
OnePlus One
As for the Moto X and Moto G, a customer care representative told a user that both will receive the Android L update when it’s available. A screenshot of his transcript with Motorola customer shows the conversation, and you can also see that word on the Moto E receiving the update is unknown.
Moto X
Customer help is not always the greatest place to get product information, so take this revelation with a grain of salt, but it’s encouraging to hear that multiple existing handsets will be getting the Android L treatment.
You can read our reviews of the Moto X and Moto G here and here, respectively.