Nintendo Starts Forming Ideas For Next Game Console, Still Committed To Wii U
In an interview with the Associated Press, Miyamoto said that it's focused on bringing more games to the Wii U in the coming year, but that multiple groups within the organization have also been brainstorming new hardware.
"We're focused on providing a robust line-up of Wii U software for next year. It seems like we've managed to do that this year and people are very happy with what we've done on Wii U," Miyamoto explained. "For the time being, our focus is on the Wii U hardware, but Nintendo as a whole has groups working on ideas for new hardware systems. While we're busy working on software for the Wii U, we have production lines that are working on ideas for what the next system might be."
Miyamoto stopped short of offering up any concrete details, such as an estimated time frame or how the next generation console might differ from the Wii U, or even the PS4 and Xbox One.
In the meantime, Nintendo will continue to figure out ways to get gamers excited about the Wii U. The company's been able to do that with the release of Super Smash Bros. and Mario Kart 8, along with its highly popular Amiibo figures.