Microsoft Converts Over 14 Millions Users To Windows 10 With ‘Overwhelmingly Positive’ Feedback
As anticipated, this week has been an incredible one for Windows 10. It launched just this past Wednesday, and immediately followed with a way to force the upgrade to go through. We also saw companies like AMD and NVIDIA roll out some new drivers to make the upgrade experience as smooth as possible.
All of this seems to have boded quite well for Microsoft's latest and greatest OS. According to a new official blog post, over 14,000,000 people adopted Windows 10 in the first 24 hours - a very impressive feat considering the fact that the vast majority of people who "reserved" their copy wouldn't have received it. Instead, Windows Insiders were first on the list. Beyond that, users would have had to run the official download tool to force the update.
Windows 10 Celebration In Sydney, Australia
Microsoft claims that initial feedback is "overwhelmingly positive", and based on all I've read around the Web, that's definitely seems to be true. There are of course some launch niggles, though. It took me about 6 hours (off and on, to preserve sanity) to update my machine, and ultimately, it seems my roadblock related to having Linux on the same drive (surprise?). Beyond that, my Windows Store was broken after the upgrade, so I decided to go a route that might sound insane: I restored Windows 8. I'll wait for these launch issues (including a less-than-ideal launch driver from NVIDIA) to get worked out, and then spend time on a fresh install.
As with the release of any major software, though, those who face the most issues tend to be in the minority, and that seems to apply to Windows 10. Everyone I know who's had a pleasant experience upgrading has been raving about the OS, and it's not really hard to see why. It looks fantastic (somehow even much better than the preview did a few months ago). It's polished, and welcoming. Now we just need to wait for the first bundle of patches to get released, as well as see improved driver support.
Windows 10 Celebration In Beijing, China
If you're wanting to upgrade but haven't been given the prompt, you can use this tool to download the appropriate version and force it. If you're on a slower Internet connection, I'd highly recommend going the route of creating an ISO, and then using a flash drive to install from. If you use this tool to upgrade immediately, and the install happens to fail, you'll need to redownload the ISO again on the second attempt. At about 4GB, it's not hard to see how frustrating that could be for some users.