Mac Trojan Masquerades As Adobe Flash Player Installer
Risk: Low; this malware has been found in the wild, and may fool Mac users who don’t have Flash Player installed. However, Intego so far has only one report of this malware, and a sample provided by a user who downloaded it from a malicious web site.
Description: Intego has discovered a new Trojan horse, Flashback, which masquerades as a Flash Player installer. This Trojan horse has been found in the wild, and has some disturbing actions.”
Although Intego’s article says they’ve received only a single report of an infected machine so far, comments on the blog post seem to indicate that numerous users are infected and that some of the infections could be about a month old.
Analysis of the malicious code is still ongoing, but the latest definitions for Intego’s VirusBarrier X6 application can detect, prevent, and eliminate the Flashback Trojan and others are sure to follow suit.
In other news, Steve Ballmer was seen driving by a local Apple store blowing rasberries and screaming, “Neener, Neener, Neener!”