Interview with Amiga CEO, Bill McEwen

Here's one for the "Blast from the past" department.  Well, at least the name of the company is a blast from the past.  Current CEO of Amiga Inc., Bill McEwen, has been interviewed by the folks at the TempleOfTech.  He answered questions about the state of the next AmigaOS and even talks about running it on the Cell processor...

"The saga of the Amiga continues.. Amiga Inc, thought to be dead after stopping all communication with the Amiga community, have reappeared. The long spell of silence was broken when they answered 25 questions from the readers at In the answers, the CEO of Amiga Inc, Bill McEwen revealed some information that once again brought back some hope in the Amiga community. Contrary to popular belief, they have been working to fullfil their vision from before 2000, of a "scalable, embeddable, multi-threaded, memory protected operating system or digital environment that would run from a cell phone to a server". In the meantime, Hyperion Entertainment and their partners have been busy working on Amiga OS4, which has been in available in pre-release form since April 2004. The final release is held back by the lack of suitable PPC motherboards to run OS4 on, but this seems to be finally resolved, and a final release is expected this year."

Whether or not the AmigaOS rises from the ashes again is anyone's guess, but it's good to hear the legendary name hasn't completely died.

Tags:  CEO, Interview, MCE, bill, amiga, view, IE, AM