HH and Cyberpower PC Sweepstakes Winner Announced!
To commemorate the Valentine's Day holiday, we announced an exciting sweepstakes, along with our friends at Cyberpower PC, in which we planned to give away a custom, fully loaded Intel Core i7-powered system, complete with 4GB of RAM, an ATI Radeon HD 5870 graphics card, and a Kingston SSD--among numerous other goodies.
The response we received after the announcement of the contest and throughout its duration was absolutely fantastic with hundreds of new members joining our community, posting thousands of comments throughout the forum and news. Before we announce the winner, we want to extend a big thank you to everyone that made this contest possible and of course to all of our loyal community members who participated.
Well, we've had a chance to sift through all of the data and we’ve picked a lucky winner.
She's All Yours, Rapid1!
Are you ready for it? Drum roll please! And the Winner Is...
Congrats brother! You've just scored yourself once heck of a killer rig!
Now everyone, congratulate your compatriot and prepare for our next exciting give-away! We've actually got TWO awesome rigs on tap for you all in the coming weeks / months--the giving just never stops around here! Once we've got the details hammered out, we'll announce the next contest, but we promise it won't be long. Regardless of how long it takes to announce the next contest though, the fact that it's got a GULFTOWN processor in it, will make it worth the wait--we promise. The SSD, 6GB of RAM, Blu-Ray player, and liquid cooling kit are nice too. :)
Team HotHardware