Google TV's Mobile App Just Made It Way Easier To Share Flicks On Android And iPhone

This new feature works best for those who are using the app already, as the link will try and launch Google TV when opened. If the app isn’t installed then it will launch the app’s page on the device’s default app store. If not opened on a mobile device the link will simply redirect to the Google TV website, potentially making it less convenient when trying to send a link to someone who is using a PC or some other device.

However, this feature isn’t intended to share access to content. Whoever receives the link will need still need to pay for the content themselves, whether through a one-time purchase or a subscription fee. An interesting way for Google to make this feature even more useful is if it provided a sneak peek, such as allowing someone to watch the first episode a show before having to pay up.
Even without the ability to share access to content with others, it’s still a nice addition for those who use the Google TV app to watch their TV shows and movies. It’s a more convenient way to share whatever happens to have a user hooked at the moment, rather than needing to leave the app to find an IMDB or Rotten Tomatoes page link.