A number of Blogger users, ourselves included, have noticed a series of publishing and saving glitches on Blogger lately. There was even an outage this week, though that may have been the result of patches that Google performed to fix the issue. Additionally, on Friday, Google added direct video upload services to Blogger.
An undetermined number of Blogger publishers had trouble performing
various editing and posting operations on Monday and Tuesday, but by
Wednesday the problem had been solved.
After marking the eighth 'birthday' of this free blogging service on
Thursday, Google announced the video upload feature on Friday.
"This feature allows you to upload videos and create a video podcast
with the same ease that we currently provide with photo uploading,"
reads the announcement in the official Blogger Buzz Web site.
We tried the upload feature, and of course, on ADSL in the U.S. - and cable modem service as well - you can naturally expect quite a wait for the upload. You can't publish your post until the video upload process is complete, though you can continue editing. Note that the upload process includes not just the upload but some processing of the video afterwards.