Google Maps Just Got A Bunch Of New Features To Sleigh Holiday Travel

Going into a big city can be confusing and frustrating trying to figure out the best bus and train routes to destinations. Google wants to take some of the pressure off holiday travelers with a new update to transit directions. The update includes being able to view the best route based on key factors, like ETA, number of transfers, and the length of a trip. Google Maps even allows for customizing a route with handy dandy filters that allow travelers to see what type of transit is available, or if they would rather walk it out.

Another update that is already rolling out to would-be travelers is the addition of emoji reactions. Often travelers will see a restaurant and wonder if it is a good place to grab a bite to eat. Content from the Google Maps community is available to help would-be diners make an informed decision before taking a bite. Now, when a user decides to dine in, they can also leave a reaction emoji to help future diners. Users can simply take a picture of what they are about to eat and then add an applicable emoji, such as a yum face. If someone is feeling a bit queasy about what is placed in front of them, they might choose a sick face.
A third new update coming to Google Maps in the coming weeks is the ability to plan and collaborate with friends with up-dates to lists. This update allows groups of travelers to easily share their opinions on places to visit by allowing each to add their own emoji, such as a heart, so others in the group can make decisions that all will love. Users can also add new places to the list so that everyone's tastes are represented.
Anyone who would like to see all eight of Google's tips for navigating the holidays can visit the Google Maps blog page. We at HotHardware want to wish everyone safe travels and hope they are filled with amazing memories!