Get A Sneak Peak At Google's Android TV Controller

Android TV is coming, and as we mentioned earlier, one of the killer features of the product will be the ability to play Android games on a nice, big TV. It appears that Android TV will ship on certain devices, but apparently there will also be a standalone Android TV box, and there’s a controller that will ship with said box.

Google I/O attendee Artem Russakovskii posted an image on Google+ that shows the alleged controller with the alleged Android TV box. Russakovskii’s photo has been corroborated by some press renders of the controller discovered by Reddit user bedofgoatturds in a directory of the Android L Developer Preview.

Android TV controller
Credit: Artem Russakovskii

Both images show that the Android TV controller resembles the Xbox controller quite a bit. The controller has a pair of thumbsticks, a D-pad, ABXY buttons, and left and right paddles. In the middle, there are Android buttons--a back button and a home button--as well as what we presume is a power button. There are also four LED indicators.

Android TV controller
Credit: bedofgoatturds

Android TV controls will take multiple forms, including virtual controls on a smartphones, but this looks to be one intriguing iteration.