GeForce 7800 GTX 512 A Unicorn And Where's X1800 CrossFire?
As our good friend Scott over at Tech Report points out in his "TR Awards 2005", both ATi and NVIDIA have been more than capable of earning the infamous "meaty middle digit" award with product launches that equate to nothing more than science projects or noise-makers. Evidence of this you ask? Well the GeForce 7800 GTX 512 is scarcer than hen's teeth although NVIDIA launched it in November and the late December release of ATi' Radeon X1800 CrossFire still has yet to produce available stock in the retail channel.
Hopefully ATi can react in short order, since clearly these versions of CrossFire products are much more competitive versus the X800 series solutions out there. Only a couple of weeks, with the holidays mixed in, have passed since the X1800 CrossFire launch, so we're hoping ATi gets their rear-in-gear real soon. However, the 7800 GTX 512 nowhere to be found over a month after launch? What's up with that??
They certainly do...