Game sales have been in a bit of a slump recently, but Gamasutra is reporting that we're seeing a pretty large sales spike:
"According to data from research firm NPD Group, sales of PC games have
risen by 48 percent on the previous year, during the first two months
of 2007, with sales lead by the success of Blizzard’s World of WarCraft
and its expansion The Burning Crusade.
Speaking in a feature by The New York Times, NPD’s Anita Frazier
indicated that U.S. retails sales of PC games have risen to $203
million, from $136.8 million a year earlier. These figures do not
include online sales or online subscriptions to massively multiplayer
online (MMO) games such as World of WarCraft."
All this without factoring in the zillions of people paying monthly mmo
fees? If that were factored in who knows how impressive the figure
would turn out to be?