Fusion-io Teams With NVIDIA For GPU-Pushed Video Wall
Now, the company is taking its name one step closer to the mainstream with a partnership involving NVIDIA, Tweak Software and Thinkbox Software. The company has joined forces with those guys at the SIGGRAPH 2011 conference on computer graphics and interactive technologies. According to the joint release, Fusion-io is collaborating with a number of leading technology companies, including NVIDIA, Thinkbox Software and Tweak Software, to accelerate entertainment production by demonstrating full resolution, real-time digital content creation for many of the industry's most powerful applications.

The demonstration at the show will be a huge video wall that uses Fusion-io Memory technology and NVIDIA's QuadroPlex 7000 Visual Computing System in order to play 12 1080p videos (uncompressed) simultaneously off a single workstation with interactive graphics processing unit (GPU)-based color correction. The video wall demonstration will be running on an HP Z800 workstation equipped with the NVIDIA QuadroPlex 7000 and Fusion ioMemory modules.
Here's hoping this tech will be hitting the consumer market soon.