Firefox 8 Beta with Twitter Search Now Available for Download
To help you answer that question, let's take a quick look at what's new in FF8:
- Twitter Search: The new build adds Twitter as a default search option, so if you're heavy into the microblogging service and keeping up with the latest social networking trends, this could be a valuable addition to your day-to-day surfing. Otherwise, no big deal.
- Restore Tabs on Demand: FF8 lets you choose to load tabs only when selected to help speed up start-up times when lots of tabs are restored.
- Improved Add-On Controls: FF8 users receive a one-time notification to review and confirm third-party add-ons they want to keep, disable, or delete.
- Tab Animations: Not a groundbreaking feature by any means, but it supposedly makes tearing off and re-ordering tabs easier with animated tab movement.
Mozilla also added WebSocket updates, support for an HTML5 native right-click menus, and various HTML5 media elements. The big benefit here is for developers who want to add a bunch of audio and video tidbits without neutering performance.
If you'd rather not play around with beta code, you won't have to wait very long for Firefox 8 to go gold. It's currently scheduled to go live November 8, 2011.