Relentless, FBI May Have Found A Way To Unlock San Bernardino iPhone Without Apple Involvement

Edward Snowden recently called "bs" on the FBI's alleged inability to unlock the iPhone in question.
Little is known at this point who this "outside party" is or what their method entails. This opens another can of worms in some respects. Will the vulnerability be disclosed in full to Apple so it can be patched? Can this unlock be used on the other dozen-odd iPhones the DOJ would like cracked? What implications does this have for modern interpretations of the All Writs Act?
With respect to the last question there, the timing may feel a touch suspicious. Hopefully the FBI will provide transparency into how these events transpired to quell conspiracy theorists, assuming that can be helped. After all, many including Apple, claim the FBI has chosen this phone as a golden opportunity to establish a precedent of coercing corporations to undermine the privacy of their customers. Faced with backlash from across the tech sector, the FBI may be using this outside party's method as a scapegoat to not risk losing this extraordinarily controversial case. Standing down means interpretations of the All Writs Act remain in a grey legal area, at least until another case arises.
Image credit: Flickr edans and The Guardian