Fallout 76 Beta Start Dates Revealed, New Gameplay Trailer Debuts
Fallout 76 is one of the most anticipated games of the year and will land on PC, Xbox One, and PS4. One of the things that people who pre-order the game get to enjoy is access to the beta for the game. To get in on the early play requires you to pre-order the game from a participating retailer. A redemption code is offered on the receipt or email confirmation for your order.
Once you have your code on hand, you can hit up Bethesda.net and login or create an account; then you'll hop over to the FAQ page here and enter your beta code. Bethesda will then contact you via the email address you used to register your account when the beta kicks off. Bethesda has offered specific dates for when the beta will start and that is October 23 for Xbox One gamers and October 30 for the PS4 and PC. That means Xbox gamers have an extra week to enjoy the game early.
Bethesda says that the beta is specifically to “test and break the game.” The servers will not run 24/7 during the beta and will only run during targeted time spans when as many people as possible can play. On any given day the game might run for 4-8 hours, there there is no exact indication of what the timespans will be. Exact times the servers will be online when the beta starts will be announced via Twitter. Bethesda warns that participants in the beta. will likely see “a glorious array of issues” during play.
Xbox One and PS4 gamers will need Xbox Live Gold or PlayStation Plus to participate in the beta and to play the game when it launches, an offline mode will never be offered. Sadly, no cross-play between platforms will happen. Bethesda is planning right now for progression made in the beta to carry over to the full game when it launches November 14. Gamers planning to enjoy the beta should get their console or PC ready, as you need about 45GB of space and it’s not going to be offered for pre-load. You must pre-order to participate in the beta, however, you can pre-order and gain access while it is underway.