EC Charges Intel With Anti-Trust Violations


- Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) Chairman and CEO, Hector Ruiz and AMD CAO, Tom McCoy Respond to Media Inquires Via Conference Call -

WHO: AMD Chairman and CEO Hector Ruiz and Executive Vice President of Legal Affairs and CAO Tom McCoy.

WHAT: Conference call with Hector Ruiz and Tom McCoy to respond to media inquiries regarding the European Commission's announcement that it has formally charged Intel with violating EC antitrust law and issued a formal "Statement of Objections" against the company. The EC charges underscore how Intel's illegal actions have suppressed competition in the IT industry and harmed millions of consumers in the European Union and throughout the world.

WHEN: 11:00 AM EDT (8:00 AM PDT) on Monday, July 30, 2007 Please dial-in by 10:45 AM EDT to ensure participation

INFORMATION: Dial-in: (866) 259-1024 (U.S. Domestic), +1 (703) 639-1218 (International)

Tags:  Intel, ATI, trust, Charge, Charges, RUS, AR