DuckDuckGo Cracks 100M Daily Search Queries As Internet Users Embrace Privacy
DuckDuckGo (DDG) was founded in 2008 with the principle that companies should not make money from private information being sold without consent. DuckDuckGo operates by not collecting information while making money from ads sold in the search engine. In 2010, after deciding not to collect user data, DDG reached a whole 16,413,461 search queries.
On January 11th this year, DDG hit an all-time search query record for the company with a whopping 102,251,307 searches in one day. Moreover, the company has hit over 1 billion searches this year alone already, which is tracking to be significantly better than 2020’s total searches. To put this growth into some perspective, the stats for DuckDuckGo reported by Google Trends have increased immensely worldwide.
Overall, DDG is growing because people are more concerned about where their data goes than ever before. Moreover, privacy, security, and data breaches are at the forefront of news feeds near-daily, giving the platform a boost. In any case, do you use DuckDuckGo or use other search engines? Let us know either way in the comments below.