Dell Gives UK Vostro Laptop Owners The Finger
Flickr user Jake Gordon is angry. He ordered a new Dell Vostro with a UK keyboard and found that Dell has monkeyed subtly with the bottom row of keys, rendering the computer useless for anyone who touch-types.
Of course, that only matters if you touch-type. Check out the keyboard below and compare the placement of the Z (should be between the A and S) vs. the above normal keyboard. Dell admitted to the problem:
A limited number of Dell Vostro 1310 and 1510 laptops in Europe have been sent out with the wrong keyboard layout. We are working diligently to offer a solution to impacted customers and correct the error before any additional units are shipped. We will be contacting impacted customers directly to both apologise and instruct them on next steps. This issue is under investigation and we will come back with more detailed information as soon as possible. We will be acting as quickly as possible to find a satisfactory solution for our customers.
It should be interesting to see what Dell does. Send out a tech to replace the keyboard? Or what?